Saturday, November 25, 2023

Naturally Pretty Feet


Sounds gross, I know, but hear me out. Foot peel masks are a quick way to get rid of any dead and dry skin and are available from many beauty brands. All you’ll have to do is place it on your feet, seal it up and leave it for 15 or 20 minutes. The result isn’t instantly noticeable, but after a couple of weeks you’ll start to see results. 

Blisters are horrible, I’m with you on that. They hurt, they’re uncomfortable and they make you dread wearing shoes ever again, but it’s not the end of the world. Most have experienced blisters due to new shoes, live feet cams or not wearing the right size of shoes. 

Investing in proper footwear and just generally looking after your feet will reduce the risk of blisters; however, sometimes it’s unavoidable. When you do get a blister make sure you keep it clean to prevent any infection and avoid any extra rubbing from shoes. Getting a blister plaster is a great way of protecting the blister from any dirt whilst also giving you some extra comfort when wearing shoes. 

Looking after your toenails is all good and well, but don’t forget about your cuticles! Cuticle oil is the key to beautiful feet – rub in some oil to each of your toes every evening before bed to hydrate and nourish the cuticles. 

You can also push back and cut cuticles; however, I recommend having this done by a professional. If you do this badly, you risk getting an infection which will not be pretty!

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Naturally Pretty Feet

  Sounds gross, I know, but hear me out. Foot peel masks are a quick way to get rid of any dead and dry skin and are available from many b...